
JVCS 2.50 Beta 3 released!

JVCS 2.50 Beta 3 released!
The JVCS team is happy to announce JEDI VCS 2.50 Beta 3, which is the third beta version of the second JVCS release.

This beta version targets experienced JEDI VCS users which are interested in the branching functionality and adds more functionality for a manual branch – change – merge cycle.

Beta 3 also adds a new "VCS browser" which shows the repository content in a directory manner in addition to the known project- /projectgroup structure.

Another important change is the decision to support fewer database management systems. This gives more time to focus on the improvements in JVCS functionality. Due to this decision final 2.5x release will support Firebird, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL database systems. A migration tool is already existing for those who are using other database systems.

Improvements over 2.50 Beta 2:
- fixed 400 errors in the Firebird server port
- added automatic index creation in upgrade procedure for Firebird
- added RO option for command line client
- speeded up checkin preperation
- branches can be removed now
- new compressed Diff added to more places
- new VCS browser if client is connected to a 2.5x server

Installer is available on sourceforge in the file section or follow this link:

You should find all important information about this version in section 7 in the release notes.

Please read this section carefully!

JVCS team

Posted by Thomas Huber 2010-02-07

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