
JEDI-SDL v0.5 released and shipping with Kylix 3 & Delphi 7

I am pleased to announce that JEDI-SDL v0.5 has been released and will
be shipping with Kylix 3 and Delphi 7 out of the box! Which I think makes it one of the few products that will ship with both versions of Borland's latest Object Pascal compilers.

JEDI-SDL are the Object Pascal headers for SDL (
), and has been converted, comments and all, to the Delphi unit called
Other conversions that have also been done are SDL_Mixer.h, SDL_Net.h,
SDL_Image.h, SMPEG.h, SDL_sound and the SFont library,
which are all included in this distribution.

It allows you to access all the functions within the SDL libraries under
both Windows and Linux, so you can write cross-platform games or
multimedia applications.

The latest release for Windows can be downloaded from

and the latest release for Linux can be downloaded from

The JEDI-SDL Home page ( )
and the SourceForge page ( ), will
be updated with the latest release over the next few days.

Things of note in this release are...
* The JEDI-SDL project is now also set up on Sourceforge ( ) so the latest code is available from
* Improved FreePascal support has been added.
* Various bug fixes as pointed out on the JEDI-SDL mailing list.
* SDL_Mixer has been updated to version 1.2.1 and includes an Effects API.
* Demo directories are now split into 2D and 3D related sub-directories.
* There are now both Kylix ( K prefix ) and Delphi ( D prefix ) project
groups for all the demos.
* They can be found in Demos and the 2D and 3D directories.

New Units
* SDLStreams.pas - Chris Bruner has created a wrapper that uses Streams
to load BMPs
* SDLUtils.pas - Pascal only version of some Utility functions
* SDLi386Utils.pas - Intel Assembler versions of the SDLUtils.pas functions.
* SDL_ttf.pas - Port of the SDL True Type font support unit.
* SDL_Sound.pas - Port of the SDL Sound library ( untested ).

New 2D Demos :
* Pan and Zoom Demo - How to Pan and Zoom an SDL surface.
* Isometric Demo - I ported my old DelphiX isometric demo over to SDL.
* TestTimer demo - Shows hows how to use AddTimer and RemoveTimer.
* MpegPlayer - I have updated and improved Anders Ohlsson's CLX
MPegPlayer and component and it now works and installs into D4, D5, D6,
D7, K1, K2 & K3.
* Showfont - Demo to show how to us SDL_ttf.dll
* SmpegPlayer - is a console MPEG player that use smpeg and SDL_Mixer

New 3D Demos :
* DeathTruckTion 1.1 - A slightly updated version of this fully
functional 3D network game.
* TerrainDemo - Terrain demo ported from the book "OpenGL Game
programming" by Hawkins and Astle.
* TestGL - the standard SDL/OpenGL Test demo. Shows how to mix 2D and 3D
rendering using OpenGL.
* glfont - Demo to show how to us SDL_ttf with OpenGL.
* Particle Engine - Ariel's OpenGL Particle Engine.
* Picking - Phil Freeman's Picking Demo
* Motion Blur - Phil Freeman's Motion Blur Demo
* Dynamic Light - Phil Freeman's Dynamic Light Demo
* Environment Map - Phil Freeman's Environment Map Demo
* GLMovie - is an MPEG Player that uses OpenGL to render the movie.
* NeHe - Quite a few more NeHe demos are now included.

New Network Demos :
* There are now 3 SDL_Net Server demos and 4 SDL_Client demos as
submitted by Dean Ellis.

I hope your experience with JEDI-SDL proves to be a positive one, as
cross-platform game development has never been easier.

Thank-you to everyone who helped make this release the biggest to date
and also helped to make it more stable.


Dominique Louis
JEDI-SDL Project Leader
-- := for all your Object Pascal game
development needs; := Home of JEDI-SDL;
Cross-platform game development with Pascal, has never been easier.

Posted by Dominique Louis 2002-08-12

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