
JD4X pre-stable poll.

  • Hock Keong Tay

    Hock Keong Tay - 2003-08-12

    We are about to release our first stable version of our Java desktop. What we intend to do is (depending on your feedback) to release a pre-stable beta version that you can help us to test and "user certify" its quality and make any fixes if required before launching the stable version. However, we need your opinion on what should be bundled together as the set of default Java applications on our desktop. Or none at all, if that is what you think we should do (that means you'll have to test it yourself when you install it into our desktop).
    The only requirements we have for these Java applications are that:
    - They are written in Java.
    - They are well developed. (good performance.)
    - They stick to the Swing look and feel. (we want the desktop look and feel to be consistant.)
    - JD4X compliant. (if possible, but not really required, infact most pure Java applications are already JD4X compliant.)

    We hope that JD4X can bring together some of the most talented Java application projects to the desktop so that everyone can enjoy it.

    Help us make JD4X a Java community based desktop.

    Our thanks in advance for your suggestions,

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-08-14


    • Hock Keong Tay

      Hock Keong Tay - 2003-08-15

      Thanks Nathan,
      jEdit was one of my first choices but I'm also thinking about other editors as well like: J and Jext. Perhaps there is a more light weight one out there. Are there?

      I'm also looking into these catergories:
      - Java Media players: jlGui, ?
      - File Explorer: JavaExplorer, ?
      - Graphics manipulation programs: ?
      - Java Web Browser: XBrowser, Jazilla, ?
      - Chat client: ?
      - Should there be more?

      Anyway, if there are no good java applications in these categories, then the JD4X default desktop user can always use the standard Linux ones. The current pre-stable beta allows user customization from desktop task bar menu to applet launchers and etc ... So it should not be too much an issue when switching between native and Java applications.

    • Hock Keong Tay

      Hock Keong Tay - 2003-10-03

      We have include the following application under these categories:

      Personal utility: DateLook

    • Hock Keong Tay

      Hock Keong Tay - 2003-10-08

      Newly added:

      Utility: Columba, JDictionary

    • Hock Keong Tay

      Hock Keong Tay - 2003-10-08

      File Explorer: JavaExplorer
      Java Web Browser: XBrowser


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