
File download and unzipping

  • Max

    Max - 2013-01-16

    Hi, James! First of all thanks for that awesome software, I love jdosbox! I have a question about download parameters. When I read your sourcecode in last version of jdosbox, I saw function about downloading and unzipping ten ZIP and 7z files to .jdosbox folder, but it doesn't worked for me. I'll try that parameters:

    for example:
    < param name="download1" value="http://localhost/" >

    But nothing happens. please help in solving the problem!

    Best Regards, Max. Sorry for my english.


    Last edit: Max 2013-01-16
  • Max

    Max - 2013-01-16

    Just tested the old version 25b - download1 parameter works fine!

    • James Bryant

      James Bryant - 2013-01-16

      Here is an example showing version 27 working

      I expect you either didn't self sign your copy of version 27 or you browser/java is caching a file.  I would suggest you change the name of the html file you are testing with (if its not dynamic).  And if all else fails, clear your browser cache and java temp file (java control panal / temporary internet files / settings / delete files)


      Last edit: James Bryant 2013-01-16

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