
JDIVELOG with firmware 2.7 OSCT 2C New - downloading stop after first dive upload


    SQUALOU50 - 2013-07-04

    hello, I can uploaded dives with ostc2n old firmware, I have problems with ostc 2c (new) and firmware 2.7. It uploaded only the first dive, no popup to choose several dives or other screen. It uploaded the first and that all.
    Is it possible to explain and resolve please ? Thanks

  • André Schenk

    André Schenk - 2013-07-04

    Could you please start JDiveLog from the command line and look for error messages?

    There is a tool which should be able the read the dive data from your computer: On that web site you will find binaries for MacOS and Linux as well.

    Please send me the extracted data plus log files.

    Best regards,



    SQUALOU50 - 2013-07-08

    I dit execute the link you sent. Nothing changed.
    Still only one dive extracted, I'm not alone in this case, with the last firmware;
    please discribe how to repair exactly


    SQUALOU50 - 2013-07-09

    Hello André, is that file can help to check why ?


    SQUALOU50 - 2013-07-09

    [0.031] DATETIME 2013-07-09T19:16:15Z (1373397375)
    [0.031] VERSION 0.4.1-devel (bed4d19acacdaba50a2c4d80f1c827aad0c406a9)
    [0.031] DEVICE=COM1
    [0.031] hw_ostc_device_open
    [0.031] ERROR: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable (2) [in ../../source/src/serial_win32.c:96 (serial_open)]
    [0.031] ERROR: Failed to open the serial port. [in ../../source/src/hw_ostc.c:131 (hw_ostc_device_open)]
    [0.031] ../../source/examples/hw_ostc_test.c:42: Error opening serial port.
    [0.031] SUMMARY
    [0.031] -------
    [0.031] test_dump_memory: Input/output error

  • André Schenk

    André Schenk - 2013-07-10

    The attached files don't help me but your last message looks promising! I assume COM1 isn't the correct port so please start the tool again with the port as parameter: ostc COM?

    Best regards,



    SQUALOU50 - 2013-07-10

    in parameters of jdive log : it matches on com13. The ostc switch on a screen meaning that it communicates. The jdive log imports the first dive and that's all.
    In configuration of port of my pc w7. it is on 13 also.
    The message extrat of the file osctc.exe shows devise COM 1, i don't know why.
    i desinstall and reinstall , nothing changes.
    I loose to much time with that. I desinstall jdivelog.
    In forums other people have same case.

  • André Schenk

    André Schenk - 2013-07-10

    COM13 is the port, ok.
    Please forget JDiveLog at the moment!
    I need a dump from your dive computer to repair JDiveLog. Therefore you have to extract this dump with ostc.exe. Please start "ostc COM13" and send me all files it produces.
    By the way: COM1 is just the default value in ostc.exe if no port parameter is given.

    Best regards,



    SQUALOU50 - 2013-08-05

    please André can you discribe step by step how to do?
    once com 13 is turn on, where are the files you wanted ?

  • André Schenk

    André Schenk - 2013-08-20

    Sorry for the late answer - vacation. :-)

    If you ru the program "ostc.exe" it creates some log files in the current directory. I don't remember the exact names. Just send all to me or attach them to this ticket.



  • Etos

    Etos - 2013-08-25

    Hi, I've the same problem after upgrade to 2.70 of my OSTC. All dive before the upgrade I can still download with Jdivelog, after, all new dive are invisible untill yesterday, today I've tried again and I can see all the old dive plus only the last dive. The dive between are still invisible for Jdivelog. Here the attachment of the ostc.exe (dmp and log file) 2 screenshot of jdivelog and just in case all dive (it contain some dive that now are no more memorize on ostc) downloaded with OstcTools.
    I hope it could be useful to you to fix the problem...
    Thanks anyway...

  • Etos

    Etos - 2013-08-25

    Just a trick for who want post other dmp, I had to change the Com port of Ostc on windows7 from Com10 to Com1 to run correctly the ostc.exe

  • André Schenk

    André Schenk - 2013-08-26

    Hi Stefano,

    I found out that the protocol for 2.70 has changed. Please try out jdivelog.jar and check if everything works (including profile, warnings,...).

    You can import the file "OSTC.DMP" from your ZIP with menu "File/Import/Import OSTC data". If you rename the file into "" then the file filter will find it immediately.

    Best regards,


  • Etos

    Etos - 2013-08-26

    Thanks Andrè... all dive now are downloaded!!
    Next days I'll examine in depth if all is ok, profile, warnings etc...
    For the moment, Thanks a lot!!


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