
Newby to JDip Dev needs help

  • Shane Neighbors

    Shane Neighbors - 2004-02-11

    I'm having problems compiling version 1.5. I just pulled down all the code and upon trying to build I get the following error:
    C:\Code\JDIP\build.xml:169: C:\Code\JDIP\${base.dir}\resource\il8n not found.
    The folder is there so I'm not sure what is going on any help would be appricated. OS Win2K Advanced server, Java SDK 1.4.2_03 and Ant 1.6.0

    • Zach Del

      Zach Del - 2004-05-03

      There were major problems with the source distribution for 1.5 / 1.5.1. The current 1.5.1 source distribution and CVS distributions have been changed, and the build process streamlined, and should work smoothly.


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