
#16 make jde-lib-directory-names a little "looser"

toby cabot

make jde-lib-directory-names a little "looser". it used to match only
on the directory name component of the path, but this changes
jde-expand-classpath to match against the whole path, not just the
directory name. this is helpful when you've got a tree of directories
holding jar files, not just a single one, since you don't need to add
them all to jde-lib-directory-names, just a pattern (e.g. "/lib/")
that matches their paths.

for example:
'(jde-global-classpath (quote ("./lib/sun" "./lib/log4j" "./lib/junit" "./lib/struts")))
'(jde-lib-directory-names (quote ("/lib/")))


  • toby cabot

    toby cabot - 2009-12-30

    make jde-lib-directory-names a little "looser"

  • Len Trigg

    Len Trigg - 2009-12-30

    The library directory scanning currently works recursively (see jde-directory-files-resurs) so this patch is redundant. Adding "./lib" would currently include the jars from your four subdirectories. Is this not working for you already?

  • toby cabot

    toby cabot - 2009-12-30

    Hi Len, thanks for the quick response. My case might be special - I've got a tree of directories under lib/ but I only want some of them on the classpath, others are used only by ant so the jde doesn't need to care about them. If I put them *all* on the classpath then the "updating class list" post-compile step takes a long time, so I wanted to be more selective.

    I can live with the current behavior, though, since I use the "build" option much more frequently than the "compile" option.

  • Len Trigg

    Len Trigg - 2010-01-08

    This also came independently on the mailing list, so it seems worthy enough to be accepted :-)

  • Len Trigg

    Len Trigg - 2010-01-08
    • status: open --> closed-accepted

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