
#20 jde-build *compilation* buffer doesn't update


When I invoke jde-build (e.g., C-c C-v C-b), the *compilation* buffer fails to update completely with the Ant output, but instead updates in “chunks”, whereby a new chunk appears when a keystroke is made in Emacs. What I mean is this. The Ant build output appears in the buffer, but only up to a point. It stops, but then if I hit any keystroke in Emacs (e.g. Esc, one of the arrow keys, or even CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT), more output appears. Then, it stops again. To get through a whole build, I might have to hit a key 3 or 4 times. However, no matter how much wall clock time has passed, the build time reported by Ant is constant. I know this definitely happens on Windows, and I’ll try to reproduce it on Linux tonight. One other piece of info: this occurs when I’ve loaded the required/supported CEDET version cedet-1.0beta3b. It does not occur if I migrate to, say, cedet-1.0pre7, but then of course other things break


  • Shyamal Prasad

    Shyamal Prasad - 2013-06-20
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
    • Group: --> 2.4.2
  • Shyamal Prasad

    Shyamal Prasad - 2013-06-20

    I believe this issue no longer exists. I do not know how to contact the submitter. Also reported is that a CEDET update fixed the issue, and given that 2.4.1 seems to work fine I'm assuming this is simply 3+ years out of date.


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