
JDecisiontable 2.0.0 released

Now JDecisiontable 2.0.0 is rolled out. Main new feature is internationalisation. First local version available is German. Furthermore there are some minor improvements and even a bugfix.

Today (2013-02-14) I uploaded a new zip file containig improved StringResource files (now with Windows linefeeds) and a German localisation for .NET without umlauts.

I am still looking for a solution how to run JDecisiontable under Windows without Java installed. I said I wouldn't release a version which contains a jre - but maybe I do. IKVM works great but does not provide same user experience as pure Java.

edit: Because of the license provided for the Windows binaries by Oracle to ship JDecisiontable together with JRE seems to be impossible.

I think this because of point 2 of this license, the BCL, which says: "Oracle grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license without license fees to reproduce and use internally the Software complete and unmodified for the sole purpose of running Programs."

Posted by Michael Groß 2013-02-14

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