
NullPointerException in BPage.loadPage

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-11

    I just wondered if any JDBM users had seen this stack trace before, and knew what caused it:

        at jdbm.btree.BPage.loadBPage(
        at jdbm.btree.BPage.access$0(
        at jdbm.btree.BPage$Browser.getNext(

    As you can see, it's when browsing through a BTree. The line of code causing the NPE is the second line of:

            BPage<K,V> child = _btree._fetch( recid, this );
            child._recid = recid;
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-12

    I looked into this a little more and the only obvious cause I can see for this is where the BaseRecordManager returns null upon fetch(long, Serializer). The CacheRecordManager appears to only return null when the underlying BaseRecordManager returns null.

    I am not using an extensible serialiser.

    In BaseRecordManager.fetch(long, Serializer) there appears only one way null can be returned:

            if( data == null ) { // data.length == 0 ) {
                // If you delete a record and then do a fetch, the physMgr identifies
                // a zero length byte[] based on the record header.  The physMgr has 
                // been modified to return null instead of data[] so that we can detect
                // a deleted record and return null to the application.
                // Note: The way in which deleted records are detected may be changed
                // to permit zero length records, but this test should still be valid.
                return null;

    My suspicion is that this is caused by parallel browsing/removal/restructuring activity. I know there is a warning about this in the Javadoc ("WARNING:  If you make structural modifications to the BTree during browsing, you will get inconsistent browing results.") - if this *is* the case (and I will be testing shortly) then hopefully the power of Google will tie up the NPE and above warning keywords for subsequent users!

  • Alex Boisvert

    Alex Boisvert - 2010-10-13

    Yes, the cause of the NullPointerException is very likely due to concurrent access.  The behavior is essentially undefined for such case.



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