
IllegalStateException in SpaceUtil

  • gona

    gona - 2009-01-22


    After Restarting Server i am getting the following exception regularly.

    Exception:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled.
    I am using JDBM0.20Dev Jar and JPOS1.5.Actually i have DB and LG Files.My application will talk with these files using SpaceUtil class of Jpos.

    Is it's issue in JDBM or JPOS.


    • Kevin Day

      Kevin Day - 2009-01-22

      What does your full exception trace say about where the problem is coming from?  (Hint:  JDBM doesn't do anything with timers or anything like that, so the exception trace will indicate that the problem is somewhere else in your code - nothing to do with jdbm)

    • gona

      gona - 2009-01-23

      Thanks For your Reply.
      Folllowing is the Exception Trace:

      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 | java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer already cancelled.
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at java.util.Timer.sched(
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at java.util.Timer.schedule(
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at<init>(
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at
      INFO   | jvm 1    | 2009/01/22 08:49:39 |     at com.iteration3.atom.util.CBSUtil.getStan(

      Here CBSUtil is My Class,In this class i am calling to JDBM to get Unique ID.In my case scenario is some thing crazy,It's not happening always.After restarting server it's happening.At that time i restarted my server.It's in Prod Environment.

      • Kevin Day

        Kevin Day - 2009-01-23

        Your stack trace contains no reference to any JDBM code.  If I had to guess, your code has a race condition in it where you are not using the Timer class properly.  For certain, jdbm is not involved in your problem.  Best of luck.

        - K

    • gona

      gona - 2009-01-24

      From My Code i will talk with DB and LG Files with the hep of SpaceFactory.In my code i didn't do any thing with Timer Explicitly and Implicitly.
      SpaceFactory is a class of Jpos API.From the SpaceFactory it will call the JDBM code.

      • Kevin Day

        Kevin Day - 2009-01-26

        Nothing in JDBM interacts with the Timer class,  and your stack trace also doesn't include references to any jdbm library calls.  The problem you are hitting is almost certainly outside of the jdbm library...  If your code isn't using the Timer class either, then you may want to check with the JPOS folks.


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