
Translations, WebStart

  • Jaroslav Mazurak

    This software is useful.
    Do you plan to translate it to other languages?
    Do you plan to support Java WebStart launch?

    • Eds

      Eds - 2007-09-26

      I would like to translate into other languages, but at this time I have not addressed this issue.  I have been a bit unsure about the translation of the conversions themselves.  Building different languages into the conversion units would cause the file to grow quite a bit since there is a large amount of data.  Updating the application so that the buttons, and and text fields are in another language should be achievable.  If you have any ideas about this, please let me know.  In the meantime, if you extract the convert.dat file from the jar file and translate the strings, you can re-insert this in the jar and have the conversions translated. 

      As for webstart, there should be no required changes in JConvert.  All you need to do is create a jnlp that refers to this jar file and the MainFrame.class and place that on your webpage.  Now I may be confusing your question.  Maybe you are asking me if I am planning on hosting this?  I am not sure what your goal is.

      Feel free to clarify your questions or respond to my answers to clear up any confusion.


    • Eds

      Eds - 2007-09-27

      Ok, you have really got me going on this one.  I have started making jconvert internationalized.  I think that I should be done within a couple of days (maybe a week for testing).  For each country, an internationalized property file needs to be created.  For Russian (I think that is what you want based on your location), I need to create a file, although there will be some trial and error with the formatting of the file since it is a different character set.  The file needs to be saved as UTF-8 encoding (I believe) and then run through native2ascii.  Anyway, we can deal with that later.  Would you be interested in helping with the conversion?

      The property file will look like this (excerpt) - everything to the right of the equals sign needs to be translated:
      addConversionMenuUtem=Add new Custom Conversion


    • Eds

      Eds - 2007-10-08

      Internationalization is now complete (Release 1.0.3).  However, the translations into specific languages has not been made.  Right now I only have English.  The file that needs to be translated can be found in the jar file.  Its name is

    • Emmanuel Bourg

      Emmanuel Bourg - 2008-11-14

      That would be great if you could add a webstart link on the web site, that's much easier to use than downloading the jar from sourceforge and running it manually. Even better, the url to the jnlp file could specify the conversion units, thus it's possible to post a link on a forum or send it to a friend to start converting immediately with the right units. This is easily done with a jnlp file generated by a php page.

      • Eds

        Eds - 2008-11-15

        With this comment, I have several reservations.  One, to run jconvert, you do not need to save it and then "run it manually", you can just click open when you click on the download link.  Secondly, you can send someone a link to the downloads page, although it will not take you to a specific conversion automatically.  Thirdly, sourceforge strongly "discourages" creating a hosted website that provides access to your project outside the download mechanism.  

        All that being said, I had considered creating a "demo" page that is a basic html interface to jconvert.  Just accessing the conversions on the server side to show how it can be used on a website or within another application.

        And all THAT being said, while I DO like to cater to the very few POSTED requests that I receive, I do not see a webstart link in jconvert's future.   If I see a ton of requests and determine that it does not violate sourceforge's policies, then it may come into play.

        Thank you for the feedback,

        Future enhancements will include: conversion of fractions and results in fractions and decimals. 
        possibly include: Port to mobile devices.

        • Emmanuel Bourg

          Emmanuel Bourg - 2008-11-18

          Clicking on the jar is not an option for me, it defaults to opening the jar in winrar. As a developer I browse more frequently the content of the jar packages than actually executing them.

          As an alternative a demo applet would be nice too.


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