I tried to add my plugin to jcommander, but I get lots of error in runtime (loading time):

-The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see the -prior log entry for the root cause if it exists:
-Bundle update@ ...... jcm/org.jcommander.ui.app/ [130] was not resolved.
-Missing required bundle org.jcommander.ui.googlefindfiles_0.0.0.
-java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found.
-at -org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run(PlatformActivator.java:56)

I do not know how to add a plugin...
I wrote my plugin name into feature.xml and plugin.xml(required part) of org.jcommander.ui.app:

<import plugin="org.jcommander.ui.googlefindfiles"/>


Could u help?