
MSNM library

  • nareshvoota

    nareshvoota - 2006-04-02


    I am trying to use MSNM.jar file to interface with MSN. I am getting problems with status message.

    I have seen that JClaim also uses the same library to interface with MSN and tried to compile the JClaim files. But the files in SVN had lots of errors which I am not able to debug. Could the author please upload working libraries or .java files without errors.

    Thanks in advance.

    Naresh Voota.

    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-04-04

      Are you usuing build.xml to build the project? 
      If not, perhaps you are not including all the libraries the lib folder?

      Always try using the ant first.  If that doesn't work, then it's definitely a problem.

      In the mean time, we'll do a clean get later and check for you.

    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-04-04

      Checked the tree and it compiles ok.

      Here are some steps you can use to find where the problem is:
      1) Get latest (perhaps you were getting latest during a checking last time)
      2) Make sure you add task200.jar to your ant/lib
      3) create your own cert file
      4) use ant to build:
      >ant sign

      if you are still having problems, post them here and someone will answer them.


    • nareshvoota

      nareshvoota - 2006-04-05

      Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it very much.

      Naresh Voota.

    • Upendra

      Upendra - 2006-05-24

      Hi, I am trying to run the source of JClaim. I got some error. I came to know that task200.jar file need to be added to ant/lib directory, but where from I can download that file? The following is the error details.
      D:\jclaim\jclaim>ant sign
      Buildfile: build.xml

      D:\jclaim\jclaim\build.xml:73: taskdef class cannot be found

      Total time: 1 second
      Thanks in advance..

      Upendra P.

    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-05-24

      Ok.  I dropped that file into the lib folder.  You really don't need it unless you are planning to redistribute the client as a JNLP or applet.
      And now you have to create a signature file or it wouldn't work.

      The code would run fine without signing locally.  Just use the "ant jar" target.

    • Alejandro Alliana


        I'm having the same problem stated before:

      C:\java\workspace\jclaim\build.xml:77: taskdef class cannot be found

      The Pack200Task is already in my lib dir and I'm using just "ant jar", since I don't need the JNLP.

      I'm using:

      C:\java\workspace\jclaim>ant -version
      Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005

      on WinXP

      thanks in advance.


      • Alex

        Alex - 2006-11-09

        Pack200Task needs to go into ANT's lib folder.
        Since it's for ANT to run with.

    • Alejandro Alliana

      Thanks again Alex,

        I'm sorry I miss it. 

        Readme in tools/pack200: "Take the pack200Task.jar and add it to your ant's lib folder."

        It was so obvious I miss it. :)



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