
jCAE: 0.16 released

jCAE is a JAVA based environment for CAE applications. It provides meshing and visualization capabilities. It is targeted to run on a maximal number of platform.


jCAE 0.16 has just been released. Most of the work was spent into the migration to VTK which allowed to close some longstanding bugs and feature requests. Here is the change log:

* Replace Java3D by VTK
* Selection in the tree will now highlight geometry shapes in the 3D view
* Selection on geometry vertices and edges
* Picking of mesh triangles
* Close #1862985: Add occjava binding to import STEP labels
* Close #1862983: Selection by rectangle on geometry
* Close #1862980: Netbeans 6 migration
* Close #1819310: Geometries node sometimes scans all jcae3d files
* Close #1430728: Picking on face



Posted by Jerome Robert 2008-08-21

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