
Free WAP-friendly forum - any advice?

  • Emanuele Fornara

    A while ago, this forum was somehow useful. For example Kyle, managed to use it with a Nokia 2610. That was long ago. I've just received an email by someone trying to post a message with Opera Mini and failing. I'm not surprised, since the sf forums migrated to this web 2.0 thing a while back.

    Any idea of a free forum, no spam, lightweight and ideally wap-friendly that we can use?


    Last edit: Emanuele Fornara 2014-03-04
  • Kyle Alexander Buan

    I (Kyle) used my Nokia 2610's default browser back then. It would get slow when the page was long, but it worked nevertheless.
    But that was many years ago--Sourceforge most probably has added things to the pages, so the page is now a lot bigger, and needs a more advanced phone to load.
    Opera Mini is quite buggy when it comes to JavaScript and cookies, so it is not suitable for Sourceforge. I reccomend UC Browser or the built-in browser instead.

  • Emanuele Fornara

    Nice to hear from you again :-)


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