
#4 Save Word


Just started using Jazzy with jEdit and it works very
well. However, I can't seem to get Jazzy to save words
in the ditionary.

Is this a know bug or maybe I didn't install it correctly.?


- John


  • Craig Pugsley

    Craig Pugsley - 2004-04-22

    Logged In: YES

    I too am having this issue. I think it may be something to do with the
    dictionary I'm using (i.e. with it being on the disk). I'm using Jazzy to
    check the text in one of the components I'm using in a Java application
    I'm writing.
    Do we have to write back out the dictionary when we're done, or
    something? This seems a bit wrong, since the when I add words to the
    dictionary, they are not preserved between Jazzy dialog instantiations -
    even though I'm using the same dictionary object. So where does Jazzy
    store these additional words?
    I've taken a look at the source code too, and I'm having difficulty
    determining where the add to dictionary code is. I can see there is a
    method in the interface class SpellCheckEvent and that the
    BasicSpellCheckEvent class implements this method, but I can't follow
    what goes on then - it looks like two member variables are set, but I
    don't understand where the actual replacement of the words happens.

  • Craig Pugsley

    Craig Pugsley - 2004-04-22

    Logged In: YES

    OK, so now I've figured out where the word replacement happens. It
    occurs in the 'fireAndHandleEvent' method of the SpellChecker class. It
    will add the new word to the user dictionary. I assume it is then our
    responsibility to save out this user dictionary somewhere when our
    application exits if we want to save the additional words. However, this
    doesn't explain why the words I add aren't remembered between
    instantiations of the 'JTextComponentSpellChecker' class I use... more
    probing required.

  • Craig Pugsley

    Craig Pugsley - 2004-04-22

    Logged In: YES

    Right, I've figured out what's going on. It would appear that when a word
    is added to the dictionary, the dictionary is saved out to file (if that's
    where it came from) there and then. I wasn't providing a file as the
    dictionary - I had constructed a URL and was using that to get the file.
    However, this was read only, and the Jazzy code will expressly not write
    out changes unless the dictionary came from a file.
    This should be documented a bit better, really... Or at least there should
    be some feedback to the user to tell them the dictionary couldn't be
    I'm going to work around this by copying the dictionary that comes in my
    app's JAR file to the user's home directory once, and then use that.

  • Craig Pugsley

    Craig Pugsley - 2004-04-23

    Logged In: YES

    One last thing I needed to do to get this working was to set the user
    dictionary on the JTextComponentSpellChecker component I used each
    time a user clicked the 'spell check' button, to the same dictionary as the
    one given to that class in its constructor. Then, it seemed to work. Don't
    forget to use one dictionary throughout your application - otherwise you'll
    have the overhead of bringing all those new words in each time.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The no argument constructor for SpellChecker sets the
    userdictionary to a non-file based dictionary. Any
    words/dictionaries you add to this SpellChecker, will not be
    added to any file.

    The other constructors,also use the no argument constructor,
    before adding dictionaries. Even if you tell the
    SpellChecker to use a file based dictionary in the
    constructor, it will not keep track of it.

    To get around this, without recompiling SpellChecker, use
    the no argument constructor, and call setUserDictionary ()

    So, instead of
    SpellChecker spellChecker = new SpellChecker (dict);


    SpellChecker spellChecker = new SpellChecker ();
    spellChecker.setUserDictionary (dict);

  • Mark Ziesemer

    Mark Ziesemer - 2005-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    Could anyone please verify that this is still an issue? If
    someone could verify it against Jazzy directly (not JEdit),
    etc., that'll at least lessen the workload to resolve this.

    Make sure that you're calling setUserDictionary(...) on the
    SpellChecker, and that what you pass in is a
    SpellDictionaryHashMap, initialized using the (File)
    constructor. Assuming the file is accessible (e.g. not JAR'd
    up) and writable, it will add the word to the map, and try to
    commit it to disk.


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