
Live spell checker issue

  • Dr. Jason Barraclough

    Hey there folks.  I have just integrated Jazzy into my medical lecture note taker and I have 2 issues that I want to know how to fix (ill do the coding etc etc etc)

    It is telling me that numbers are spelt incorrectly (which makes no sense).  Short of adding every possible combination of numbers to the dictionary, what should I do to get the checker to ignore numbers?

    Second issue is the highlight is working in real time.  By this i mean if you type "hell", you get a highlighted "h" a correct "he" a highlighted "hel" and a correct "hell".  This can be a little disturbing for the typist.  Is there a way to get it to check a word AFTER the person hits space or enter (or after a time period)?

    Thanks folks. 

    You also have a thing on the website that says to let you know if you are being used in another program.  What do I send?  Screenshots sufficient?

    Many thanks.
    Jason Barraclough.

    • Dr. Jason Barraclough

      Also, as a result of my need to have medical words in a dictionary, I now have a 70000+ word dictionary with a medical bias to it.  How can I contribute this dictionary back to Jazzy?

      Thanks again.


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