
Generate several html files from 1 xml.

  • lucvv

    lucvv - 2005-11-25

    Hi all,
    First, congratulations for your nice software which helps me much for my project.
    I wonder if it is possible to generate (easily) several html files from one xml. Let say my xml is a book and i would create automatically an html file with the contents and an other html file with the summary.
    As far as i understand jaxe, i need to create 2 xml files, with each a different configuration file because the xsl file is referenced in the configuration file. Is that right ?
    If it is, does somebody have an idea to make it simpler ?
    Thanks for your answers.

    • Damien Guillaume

      > I wonder if it is possible to generate (easily) several html files from one xml.

      Yes. Jaxe is using Xalan as an XSLT processor, and Xalan has an extension to do just that :

      Also, if necessary, in the latest Jaxe version, you can use the following parameter for your stylesheet :
      <xsl:param name="jaxe-fichier-xml"/>
      In the config file, you will have to declare it like that :
      <FICHIERXSL nom="my_stylesheet.xsl">
      <PARAMETRE nom="jaxe-fichier-xml" valeur="*"/>
      It will give you the path to the XML file, which can be useful to know in which directory to create other files.


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