
Jaxe as applet

  • Mark Lundquist

    Mark Lundquist - 2004-07-12

    Hi!  First of all, thanks for creating a great XML tool (see below... :-)

    I'm interested in running Jaxe as an applet, and I'd like to find out if anyone has already done this or has any suggestions for me...

    The users of this system will only use a single Jaxe configuration, and a single schema.  My first problem is that I need to figure out how to get a Jaxe applet to read the configuration and schema files.  Later, I'll have to figure out something to do with the generated XML (probably post it back to the server from the applet).

    Just for grins, I made a first cut at appletizing Jaxe, and it was easy... it runs, but of course throws an exception when it tries to open the configuration file.  I'm thinking of either packaging the config file in the applet jar (and using getResourceAsStream() to access it), or having it load separately from the server (opinions?).  For the latter approach, it looks like I would need to create new constructors for jaxe.Config and jaxe.Document.

    I'd like to do everything in a way that would be generally useful, and donate the changes back to the Jaxe developers to help make Jaxe better.  Any guidance would be very much appreciated!

    I went looking for a Java XML editor for a project I'm working on.  Jaxe was the first one I tried.  I also tried <oXygen> and XAmple, but Jaxe is the best suited for my needs.  The beauty of Jaxe is that it's really a structure editor that uses XML as the underlying representation.  That's perfect for my project, which is a content-authoring mechanism for an email newsletter system.  The users of this system don't know about XML what they know about is that the newsletter has a main body and a sidebar, each of which can contain items, and an item can contain paragraphs of text and links, images etc.  <oXygen> is a power-tool for XML geeks.  Not a structure editor at all, but really a syntax-directed editor for raw XML.  It may be great for users who already know and care about encodings, namespaces, attributes etc., but that's not my user base! :-)

    So... once again, thanks for a great tool, and please give me thoughts/feedback/guidance about how to turn this thing into an applet!


    • Damien Guillaume

      > I'm interested in running Jaxe as an applet, and I'd like to
      > find out if anyone has already done this or has any
      > suggestions for me...

      I've seen one somewhere on the internet, but it was just a signed applet.

      As you have already noticed, There are a number of problems to solve in order to use Jaxe as an applet:
      * reading files from the server (config files, Jaxe images, XML files, images for the XML files, ...)
      * reading files from the user (images?, clipboard?)
      * saving files (XML files, images)
      * optimizing the bandwith (can we remove some libraries like xerces and xalan ? Do we really need spell checking ?)
      * avoid forking the source tree

      We need to look at all the options we have, and choose the best. If there is a protocol to use with the server, it should be chosen so that most people can implement it or use a software we provide. It might take some time, which is why I haven't done it (also, I have no use for a Jaxe applet yet). I'm glad you're ready for this adventure, and I'll try to help you. This could be the missing shiny new feature for Jaxe 2.0.

      > It may be great for users who already know and care
      > about encodings, namespaces, attributes etc., but that's
      > not my user base! :-)

      and that's light-years away from mine  :D

    • Damien Guillaume

      hey, I haven't heard from you again. Did you start an applet version ?

      In the meantime, it looks like someone else started a similar project, to use Jaxe with Java Web Start:


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