Sasa Bojanic - 2015-02-19


a new version of Enhydra JaWE is released and available for download from

Main changes:

  • Now using 1.9-1 version of jXPDL (Java XPDL Model -
  • New configuration parameter to specify preferred number of lines for text areas where expressions are defined (PreferredNumberOfLinesForExpression)
  • New configuration parameter to specify preferred number of lines for text areas where actual parameter expressions are defined (XMLActualParametersPanel.preferredNumberOfLinesForExpression)
  • Now XMLMultiLineTextPanelWithOptionalChoiceButtons panel constructor accepts parameter to specify how many lines are preferred for text area
  • Hiding and disabling main divider if application is configured to have only one area
  • On non-Windows OSs files we are not using RandomFileAccess class to open/save files anymore. Anyway, on non-Windows OSs it wasn't possible to lock files, and there was a problem with this approach in some cases - the file wasn't saved if another application changed it meanwhile.
  • Added possibility to use TWE from command-line to write the process graph in one of the following formats: jpg, svg and pdf. Documentation updated with new section describing this feature.
  • Added possibility to configure the content and order of application's title text with 7 possible placeholders. Documentation updated to describe new configuration entry (TitleString entry in
  • Fix bug with font size for artifact and gateways: now the font size is respecting system settings
  • LDAP component now supporting different ldap protocols (e.g. ldap and ldaps) (also new parameter in to be able to pre-configure it)
  • Shark mode:
  • support for many new shark related extended attributes
  • category variable is now represented as Package/Workflow process attribute
  • added create outlook variables action in Workflow Variables table GUI
  • fix: not offering XPDL String and Configuration string variables for Performer, Deadline, Actual parameter and Transition condition expressions
  • Now XPDL is not marked as "Not saved" in the case opened XPDL has different values for EDITING_TOOL, EDITING_TOOL_VERSION or JaWE_CONFIGURATION extended attribute of package
  • Added possibility to set the working directory with startup parameter (the place where TWE will search for XPDL files when using Open dialog).
  • New configuration parameter to specify if XPDL should be saved when Apply button is pressed in property panel. Parameter name is ApplyActionSavesXPDL and if it is set to true, whenever apply button is pressed, XPDL will be saved.
  • Improved rebranding process (ability to specify parameters using configuration script). Now also possible to do re-branding on Linux.
  • Added possibility to edit expressions in external editor application (new documentation section "Property file" describes this feature).
  • Improved Open (new XPDL file) action to work in a standard way
  • "CTRL +", "CTRL -" and "CTRL 1" key combination now can be used to "Zoom In", "Zoom Out" and "Make actual size" in the graph.
  • Added possibility to position transition labels. Information stored in XPDL.
  • Added possibility to position artifact/gateway/start/end labels to the top/bottom/left/right location. Information stored in XPDL.
  • Now displaying warning if XPDL String variable is not used
  • Fix: Now properly rendering transition's diamond on the tail (it was not properly rendered when transition expression was set and then removed)
  • Fix: Now properly rendering empty choice in combo box (e.g. for the type of transition condition)
  • Fix: transition condition label was not always fully shown
  • Fix: scrollbars were missing when Zoom In action was performed and then activity was moved
  • Fix: rendering of (otherwise) transitions going from/to and/or split/join node.
  • Fix: SetTransitionStyle action didn't work for associations
  • Linux tar.gz distributions now built under windows
  • Improvement regarding silent uninstallation
  • Improvement: supporting Windows XP (patch by Vjecheslav)

New release of Enhydra Shark (Java XPDL Workflow Engine) is now available as well and can be downloaded from:
