
#47 Epics Keep Collapsing in Tree view


I have multiple epics. When working on the product backlog, sometimes the Epic-Tree keeps collapsing when I edit the backlog items (topic, priority or estimation). I am not quite sure, which exact points trigger this behaviour but this make editing the product backlog difficult.


  • Markus

    Markus - 2012-04-04

    Can you tell me, which version of JAST you are using?

    The tree should be updated, when
    Epic title
    Backlog item topic
    Backlog item priority
    Backlog item estimation
    Task title
    Task estimation
    are changed.

  • Benjamin Mesing

    Benjamin Mesing - 2012-04-10

    Perhaps it is more a wishlist bug, if it is expected behaviour for the tree to collapse when I modify e.g. "task title". I would expect the tree expand/collapse status to remain as it is. On the other hand, behaviour is not consistent. E.g. I edit a backlog item "test" by appending some characters tree remains expanded. Now I change the title to "atest" tree collapses. As soon, as I remove the first character ('a') again tree expands back to its original expand-state. This seems definetly related to the sorting order, if the first char I enter is lexigraphically after the first char of the lexigraphically last item within the siblings (here e.g. "Typed Routes"), then the expand state remains, else the tree collapses. Some further test show, that this behaviour is also not consistent, it might also be characters after a certain letter collapse the tree instead of before..

  • Markus

    Markus - 2012-04-10

    Last friday I have released Release Candidate 1 of version 0.8. I have fixed many problems concerning collapsing and expanding the tree.

  • Benjamin Mesing

    Benjamin Mesing - 2012-04-27

    Thanks for the new version. It works better but there is still one problem with collapsing: all other epics get collapsed if I change something within a backlog item/add a new backlog item etc. Only the epic I am working in remains open
    There is are also new bug introduced:
    the priority is display one less then actually set within the combo box
    when starting a fresh JAST and loading my project the estimation unit is set to hours within the combo box, it is displayed correctly throughout all other interfaces though

  • Markus

    Markus - 2012-05-01

    In revision 931 the bugs concerning priority and time unit should be fixed.

    You can find this version on the nightly build page:

  • Klaus

    Klaus - 2012-06-22

    should be fixed for revision>1005.
    duplicate bug with bugs 3536345, 3536346, 3536347.



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