
JasperReports 4.8.0 released

JasperReports Library 4.8.0 Change Log

  • enhanced interactivity in the table component, with support for conditional formatting
    of values in a column;

  • support for style providers as pluggable extensions, to control report element styling
    depending on report data at runtime; a default style provider implementation is available,
    allowing the use of expression based custom properties at report element level, to control
    each style attribute, including backcolor, forecolor, font, borders style, etc;

  • added support for markers to the built-in map component, along with other new map level
    settings such as type of map, image type and language (I18n support);

  • version support added to the JRXmlWriter utility class to allow generating source JRXML format
    for older versions of the library, including support for versioning of custom components markup;

  • support for custom $X{} functions in queries, which can be plugged in as extensions;

  • added support for relative date ranges used as input parameters in parametrized queries;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

Posted by Teodor Danciu 2012-11-05

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