
JasperReports 4.6.0 released

JasperReports Library 4.6.0 Change Log

  • improved JasperReports configuration infrastructure by the introduction of a JasperReportsContext,
    an new interface from where JR configuration properties are read and JR extensions are loaded.
    This allows different configurations of the JR engine to exist simultaneously in the same JVM;

  • improved JasperReports Web Framework which now features a centralized controller to dispatch
    actions triggered by end user interactions in the report viewer. Actions are backed by atomized
    commands that modify the report metadata on-the-fly, with support for undo/redo operations,
    to reflect changes in the report output;

  • introduction of reusable Web report viewer APIs, featuring configurable report viewing servlets,
    and built-in Javascript modules that can be used to create custom interactive report viewers in Web
    applications embedding the JasperReports Library.
    This is demonstrated in the new /demo/samples/webapp-repo sample where two different looking versions
    of the same build-in JR interactive report viewer are used to displays interactive reports;

  • enhanced interactivity in the table component, with support for column formatting, hiding, resizing,
    moving, sorting and filtering, all leveraging the new action-based JR Web Framework controller and its
    interactivity supporting report viewer Javascript APIs;

  • introduction of a data caching API that helps avoid re-querying the report's data source,
    for performance reasons, while interactively viewing the report using an interactive report viewer
    created based on the new JR Web Framework;

  • added new page related events in the asynchronous report filler to support asynchronous page display
    in interactive report viewers;

  • added support for message providers that can be plugged into JR as extensions, to allow
    internationalization of interactive custom components UIs;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

Posted by Teodor Danciu 2012-05-21

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