
JasperReports 3.0.0 released

JasperReports, the market leading open source business intelligence and reporting engine. This project is being moved to This project is the home for all things Jasper, Reports, Analysis, Server, and Intelligence.

JasperReports 3.0.0 Change Log

  • support for custom properties at element level in generated documents,
    to allow extending exporter functionality;

  • custom element properties can have expressions as values (dynamic values);

  • support for XLS cell formula, using the "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula"
    custom property at element level;

  • better control over sheet breaks in XLS exporters using the new custom element
    properties called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" and

  • new configuration property called "net.sf.jasperreports.export.legacy.border.offset"
    to allow rendering element borders in older reports using the legacy border offset
    technique that that was used in versions prior to the 2.0.3 release.

  • support for "Parent" and "Top" as hyperlink targets;

  • enhanced XML exporter and new XML exporter servlet added to facilitate viewing
    reports using the JasperReports Flash Viewer component

  • new experimental XMLSS exporter (XML Spreadsheet Format) that allows streaming
    content while generating the document and thus avoid memory problems with
    very large reports;

  • minor bug fixes and improvements;

Posted by Teodor Danciu 2008-05-19

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