
JarCon Remote Server Connection Tool / News: Recent posts

Source Code Released

It's been over a year since I've done anything with JarCon, and since I've recently moved to Linux as my primary operating system, I can't really do any further development with the project. I may decide to use the same ideas in a future project that is cross-platform, but for now, I'm not going to be making any changes to JarCon. Since the site does still get a few thousand hits per month, and a couple hundred downloads per month, I'm not going to completely cut off the project. This project site will remain here, and if any VB developer wants to step forward and take over development of the project, feel free to do so. My email address is read more

Posted by Joe Hansche 2003-10-15

JarCon v2.1.39 available for download

v2.1.39 was released a few days ago, and so far, it works OK for most people. I have made more changes to it, but won't be able to get it up until I compile -- and I have to compile from a different computer =\. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, or problems, email me at or on AIM SN: joeatrr

Posted by Joe Hansche 2002-03-30