
Jar Ajar v.0.3.0 released

Jar Ajar, the JAR (Java ARchive) self-introducer and extractor of zip files, now also packages itself. The new packager system provides a graphical system for packagers to type in a welcome message and find their logo image file to introduce the zip file to their recipients. A sidebar containing more detailed instructions serves as a handy, accessible reference.

The introduction of graphical packaging doesn't mean doom to simple text-oriented packaging, however. The Jar Ajar packager generates an XML-based, text-formatted specification file that packagers can reuse and tweak over and over again. The spec file even allows automated builds, such as the "nightlies" that packagers often create as snapshots of a software's current development.

Jar Ajar remains text-focused software. The welcome message can display beautified, HTML-based text. The text spec file means that the graphical interface remains optional. Future work also seeks to allow for extractions from the command-line, purely through text.

New features:
-Graphical packager system, including an HTML-compatible welcome message input area, browseable logo and zip file fields, and online instructions to make the most of them all
-XML packager specification files, generated for reuse, tweaks, and making automated builds
-Progress meters to track both packaging and extraction
-Streamlined build script, allowing one-step builds from source code in most cases

Posted by David Young 2004-06-04

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