
JAPServ - Just Another Perl Service / News: Recent posts

v0.4.1 beta uploaded!

there! finally did off using it in tester networks for now, mostly stable though, we've been running it for several weeks uptime now,
but i'm sure i havent accounted for EVERYTHING a ircd can throw at it (expecially with opers that like to play with raw msgs)

Posted by Fenris_Wolf007 2007-03-16

Just starting up here....

Just starting up on sourceforge, so bear with me.
Although JAPServ is in beta testing, its had the format of the core changed a few times in the year its been running (current version we're testing on our network is .4)
Biggest change was converting to Object Oriented code, and I'm still trying to catch up on alot of the stuff that got broken in the coversion. Currently fixing the tkl support for service bots (bots with the 'strict' flag set obey tkl glines/spamfilters/etc, as well as channel bans and channel modes.
Files arent uploaded yet, sorry, I'll try and make them accessable ASAP.
I may need to hire on someone to manage this site and updates for me, I'd rather be coding :P
Also, I'll 'try' to keep the example script up-to-date, with any new features I've added, but changes and additions move fast when I'm coding, so that may not be entirely possible.

Posted by Fenris_Wolf007 2007-03-02