
Jampal mp3 library / News: Recent posts

Jampal Version 1.20 has been released

Jampal Version 1.20 contains bug fixes and one improvement.

Validate Song
Fixed a bug which was preventing validating songs from the menu or when playing.

"Follow" Option
Fixed a bug where song names were announced once at the start of the list of
connected songs, and again before each song. They should only be announced at
the start of the sequence of songs, so as to avoid an interruption.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2009-04-12

Jampal Version 1.18 has been released

Jampal now supports the ESpeak speech engine in Windows, Linux and any other environment that supports ESpeak. It also supports mbrola voices when used with espeak.

Multi Language Announcements
With ESpeak you can now announce your song titles in the language that matches the song name. There is a new Voices tab in the configuration dialog that allows you to select voices to be used with each song language. You can select for each language which engine and voice will be used.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2008-10-18

Jampal: 1.17 has been released

mp3 library, advanced ID3V1 and ID3V2 tagger, player. Organize a large mp3 library, over 30,000 songs. Speech synthesis and tag backup utilities. Scripts to maintain and organize song files.

Jampal now supports full use of unicode character sets. There is a font menu option so that if you are using non-English characters you can select an appropriate font to display them.

This also fixes a problem where if an ID3V2.4 tag with UTF-8 font was edited, an incorrect ID3V2.3 tag was created that caused Microsoft media player to refuse to play the file.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2008-07-23

Jampal version 1.16 features

Most Recently Used list
Open menu includes a list of the libraries opened recently to save time when opening libraries.

Alternate Album
Custom tag for the case where one song is on two or more albums. You can record additional albums in a comments tag. The additional entries will be added to the library so that when sorting by album you can see the song in both albums although only one copy of the song exists on your hard drive.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2008-04-05

Jampal version 1.12 has been released

Jampal is the mp3 jukebox that efficiently supports a library of 30,000 songs and up.
Extensive support for ID3v2 tags lets you categorize and sort your songs
with customizable tags within the ID3v2 standard. Jampal runs on Windows,
Linux, Macintosh and Solaris.

There are also utilities for backup of your tags, scripts to maintain and organize
your songs, text to speech utilities and optional synthesized announcement of titles
when playing songs.... read more

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2006-10-01

Jampal Version 1.09

Jampal Version 1.09 includes useful new features. Your music library can now be customized from the library window. There is a command line tag update program. It also has many other improvements.

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2006-01-29

Jampal version 1.02 includes many new features

Jampal includes a jukebox, music library for large collections, extensive ID3 tag updating. Organize and sort your mp3 files using tag fields. Jampal also includes an ID3 tag backup utility and speech synthesis software. Synthesis can announce song titles as they are played. Also a command line program will read out any text or text file.

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2004-07-13

Jampal version 1.0 has been released.

Jampal is the mp3 jukebox that efficiently supports a library of 12000 songs and up.
Extensive support for ID3v2 tags lets you categorize and sort your songs
with customizable tags within the ID3v2 standard. This jukebox
runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh and Solaris.

For full information and documentation refer to the Jampal home page

Posted by Peter G Bennett 2004-05-16