
JAMon web to access another jvm instance ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-28


    First of all, you are doing a really good job with this API !

    Is it possible to use Jamon in a project deployed on an A application server (in a A jvm) and to access monitoring of this A server thanks to JAMon WAR deployed on a B application server (another JVM) ?

    Thanks for your replies !


  • Steve Souza

    Steve Souza - 2011-08-28

    So you want to write to jamon in one app server and access it via another app server?  I guess you could in a way similar to OS operating system monitoring.   Look at the script which gets data from jamonadmin.jsp via wget or curl.  You could also call jamonadmin.jsp on server A, from server B using HTTP calls in Java.

  • Steve Souza

    Steve Souza - 2011-08-28

    <<First of all, you are doing a really good job with this API !>>
    Thanks!  Kind words are always appreciated (and the best way to get a quick response).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-08-28

    Thanks for your answer.
    In fact I can't deploy a war on my A application server (then I can't have the jamonadmin.jsp). I am not using a "real" A application server but a packaged one in a framework (Play!). In this application server I can't deploy wars (it is possible but I would have to embeed that application server in another one)

    I was wondering if JMX / SNMP kind of things has been planned to permit to use the admin war from another jvm instance or server.
    I understand it is not the case. I will build a custom one for my monitoring.

    Thanks again for your answer

  • Steve Souza

    Steve Souza - 2011-08-29

    <<I was wondering if JMX / SNMP kind of things has been planned to permit to use the admin war from another jvm instance or server. I understand it is not the case. I will build a custom one for my monitoring.>>
    I am currently working with someone to create a visual vm plugin that would show jamon stats.  I would be interested in anything you come up with for jamon/jmx.  If you can make it available I could roll it into the next version of jamon.

  • clay_shooter

    clay_shooter - 2011-09-16

    JMX would be interesting because system monitoring tools could get to the data. Personally, I'd like the startup optionally added to the tomcat valve.  Then you could configure jamon and turn on JMX monitoring without modifying your application.


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