

James GeekBlogTV

Jambuntu v1.04 'Hendrix" i386

Description - A lightweight Xubuntu-fork for music production and live performance.

About - Jambuntu is my response to the demand for a lightweight music production and performance distribution. I forked the system from a Xubuntu Precise 12.04 base, stripped the packages that did not fit the ambition of the project, and added my favorite audio production packages. It is meant to be used as a live USB for those who do not have much experience with running a physical Linux install, but there is also the option to install it to your hard disk.

Notice - This is the first version, so there may be some things that need doing, like art and logo changes and such. At the moment, this is a Remastersys 'Backup' of the Jambuntu production system that I am building from right now. When I find a more suitable way to include everything in a live ISO, I will be able to have more customizations ready out-of-the-box.

TODO - AMD64 version in the works.