
JAELC / News: Recent posts

Irrlicht Modelviewer finished

The Modelviewer on Irrlicht base has been finished and JAELC models can be viewed with it.
The development of the game is in progress now.

Posted by Chamile 2008-07-25

Model Viewer finished

The planned work on the model viewer is finished. Unfortunately the code of the viewer is not 100% usable in the game mostly because of large memory leaks.
So the decission is to set up the game from scratch and port only the useful parts from the viewer engine.
As first milestone the loading and rendering of a model to the new game application is defined. But it's currently not possible to fix a date for this.

Posted by Chamile 2008-04-21

Current development status

What was before: It's about 4 years ago, the JAELC development was started. Up to last year we had a small playable demo, lots of models and a ModelViewer tool to show them. Then the main developer ran out of time ...

What is now: Currently we are 3 developers ( 2 coder and 1 graphic developer/coder). At this time the programming members try to become familiar with the code, sort and clean them up for further development. ... read more

Posted by Chamile 2008-03-17