
#7 No notification of new files after referee Orange


Normally the editor is notified of new files from the author only when there's a red dot.
But, consider this scenario:
1) Editor edits and sticks a green dot.
2) Paper goes to the referee, who assigns an orange dot (= please do modifications) with which the author can re-upload
3) the author re-uploads new files
4) at this point the editor need to have evidence of new files, re-process them and eventually re-pass the paper to the referee.

At version 9.0.6 the point 4 is not working. No visual evidence in the editor's screen is present to know this.
Discovered at FEL12, e.g. TUOD04


  • Ivan Andrian

    Ivan Andrian - 2012-08-30

    We also discovered a related problem.
    Now, there are two system parameters (90, 91) with the text the referee is emailed when:

    90) when PDF file is uploaded
    91) when paper is assigned (to referee).

    WIth the present code, the referee is notified too many times (and the editor, none), in particular (TUPD11@FEL2012):

    a) the editor sticks a green dot. The paper is assigned to a referee who is notified via email
    b) the referee sticks an orange dot. The author is notified
    c) the author uploads 4 files (1 tex, 1 pdf, 2 supporting files). The referee is notified (via email) FOUR TIMES, the editor has no evidence of it from its "All my papers" screen
    d) the referee is annoyed, the editor is sleeping without anything to do, the author is concerned about the processing not going on :-)

    We propose this different logical flow:

    i) When the editorial status of a paper gets green (regardless of the previous status), the referee should be notified via email (parm=90). This means:
    i.i) the first time the paper is edited and assigned to the referee
    i.ii) any other time the status gets green again: usually a new PDF is available at that time, because the author asked to resubmit, because the editor created a better PDF, because the author resubmitted following the referee request ....)
    ii) if and when the Editor in Chief uses the manual assignment of papers to referees, the referee is being notified via email (parm=91)
    iii) this way, the referee, the author and the editor will be happier ;-)

  • Matt Arena

    Matt Arena - 2015-11-17

    Referee module is no longer in use.

  • Matt Arena

    Matt Arena - 2015-11-17
    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: --> Next_Release_(example)

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