Sameer Verma - 2002-08-14

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The Jabber Palm client had problems with receiving messages.
I was trying the JIM client from The messages
that came in from JIM did not have the type=chat part in the
messages. I checked this with some other clients by
debugging the XML that was transferred back and forth. The
client seems to be able to receive messages from clients
like Jabberwana, but when I send messages to Jabberwana
client from the Palm client, it would show up as an incoming
message, and not in the chat window. So it looks like the
problem was two-fold. One: the client I was using on the
other side (JIM) was not sending messages correctly. Two:
Jabber Palm does not compose messages with type=chat. So a
client like Jabberwana simply shows it as an incoming
message. I cannot fix/fudge with the first problem since JIM
is proprietary. So I worked on the second. After having
added this part to JabberPalm, and recompiling the client, I
am now able to run the chats both ways. I have the new
client at (rename
to jclient.prc before hotsyncing to your palm device) for
anybody who'd like to test it. I also updated it to PalmOS
3.5 If there is any further interest, I will post the code
on SourceForge.Net Finally, i find the client to be very
helpful, and of course, cool. I had a great time holding
chats with folks while being on the road. Sameer Verma --
Sameer Verma, Ph.D. | Asst. Professor of Information Systems
| San Francisco State University | San Francisco CA 94132