
JabberFoX / News: Recent posts

JabberFoX 0.4.1 released

JabberFoX 0.4.1 just has been released! JabberFoX is a Jabber client for Mac OS X and the name stands for "Jabber For OS X".

Jabber ( is an open source instant messaging system fully based on XML. Thanks to the server-side Jabber Agents, Jabber clients can communicate with users of other instant messaging systems, like AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, or IRC.
This new release brings some new features, improvments and many bug fixes. Some new features include tab completion in groupchat, speech highlighting and clickable URLs in messags and chat. For a more complete list, look at the release notes at

Posted by Max Horn 2002-03-22

1 year anniversary!

Well, it's been a year since I registered JabberFoX with SourceForge and hey, it's not totally dead!

Thanks to all the people that use and support JabberFoX, as well as everybody that has made a contribution.

- Jason

Posted by Jason Moore 2002-03-11

JabberFoX 0.4 released

JabberFoX 0.4 just has been released! You can find it at

JabberFoX is a Jabber client for Mac OS X and the name stands for "Jabber For OS X".

Jabber ( is an open source instant messaging system fully based on XML. Thanks to the server-side Jabber Agents, Jabber clients can communicate with users of other instant messaging systems, like AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, or IRC.
This new release brings many new features and tons of bug fixes. Some new features include account registration, groupchat highlighting and more Finder-like roster editing. For a more complete list, check out the release notes at

Posted by Max Horn 2001-11-14

JabberFoX 0.3 released

JabberFoX 0.3 just has been released! You can find it at

JabberFoX is a Jabber client for Mac OS X and the name stands for "Jabber For OS X".

Jabber ( is an open source instant messaging system fully based on XML. Thanks to the server-side Jabber Agents, Jabber clients can communicate with users of other instant messaging systems, like AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, or IRC.
This new release brings many new features and tons of bug fixes. Some new features include account registration, groupchat highlighting and more Finder-like roster editing. For a more complete list, check out the release notes at

Posted by Max Horn 2001-10-15

Hey, How's it going?

Well, as many of you can tell, development of JabberFoX has seemingly stopped. There are a couple of reasons:

1) I have not had internet access for my computer for the past 2 months. This has been corrected so I can actually download the source :)

2) My life, I got a car ('01 Audi A4), an apartment (corner of union and woodmen), a job (I make satelite simulations), and a hamster (Sparky). All of these things happening in a short period of time had drastically limited my free time. Well, things have settled down and I find my self looking for something to do. ... read more

Posted by Jason Moore 2001-08-07

JabberFoX 0.2

This new release of JabberFoX, MacOS X client for the Jabber ( chat system, features tons of enhancements over the old version. Besides other things, the groupchat module has been vastly improved, some plugins have been added, zillions of bugs were squelched, and the stability is much better.

I hope you enjoy it! As always, direct bug reports, feature requests, praise and money donation to our SourceForge project page ;)

Posted by Max Horn 2001-05-21

First Release

The first release has been made. It's mostly functional but not very featureful. Please report any bugs using the bug tracker. Also feel free to submit feature requests.

Enjoy it with your favorite peanut flavored cookies.

- Jason

Posted by Jason Moore 2001-04-02

Mailing Lists / New Developer

There are now two public mailing lists. jabberfox-devel is for developers and jabberfox-commits is a generated mailing list of all the commits(in case you like spam). There's also a new developer Max Horn aka fingolfin.

Posted by Jason Moore 2001-03-27