
J3DWorkbench finally hits v1.0.0

No, J3DWorkbench is not dead!

After 2 years of toil, version 1.0.0 of J3DWorkbench is now available for multi platforms. 'Gluing' together the very mature Java3D 1.5.2 (pre-release) with the Eclipse 3.3 RCP 'workbench', J3DWorkbench is an authoring tool and a development aid.

The project has also engendered some Java3D code spinoffs in the form of utilities and fixes--including many to the Java3D Scenegraph IO API for saving/loading Java3D scenes. This insures that this under-rated binary format can age more gracefully.

The 1.0.0 release also features powerful mouse & keyboard navigation, and buffered procedural texture generation for fast animated effects such as water, smoke, fire.

Other J3DWorkbench plugins are in development, including a medical image volume renderer using a home-grown implementation of the now public-domain 'Marching Cubes' algorithm.

J3DWorkbench is in desperate need of help at all levels: testing, documentation, example scenes (pure fun), and of course, development.

If you like 3D and Eclipse, then you will have no trouble getting involved...

Posted by Ken Mc Neill 2008-02-05

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