
J2ME on Rails / News: Recent posts

Announcement: J2ME on Rails

I have started a new J2ME project to simplify Rails integration:

J2ME on Rails

J2ME on Rails is an J2ME port of Ruby on Rails' ActiveResource. It provides a way to serialize objects to and from Rails' standard RESTful web-services. J2ME on Rails is inspired by ObjectiveResource ( and uses kXML 2.

Some example J2ME code to illustrate:
// Configure J2meResource
// Get the User object with login 'Tom' from Rails server
J2meResource user = J2meResource.findRemote("User", "Tom");
System.out.println("ActiveResource User.username = " + user.getProperty("username"));
// Change information
user.setProperty("age", "32");
// Update Rails server
user.saveRemote();... read more

Posted by Tom Söderlund 2009-04-27