
J2EE Industry Management Tool / News: Recent posts

Work in progress ???

If anybody follows this project's statistics, this one could have noticed a new subversion and activity on it.
I hope i will release something soon, as i want to migrate my whole site on j2eeIndustry.
Developpement is in early younghood, and should be used with care as it don't render any feature for now.

Posted by Nicolas Karageuzian 2007-12-04

J2eeIndustry Home Page released

please visit to see the new home page for J2eeIndustry. Includes RSS changelog display and others good stuffs.

Posted by Nicolas Karageuzian 2004-02-23

Release 0.0.1a arrived

first running example webapp with j2eeindustry-jsplib and dreamweber-taglib select tag

Posted by Nicolas Karageuzian 2004-02-21

Changelog for dwjsplib

I created a changelog page for dwjsplib module.
this page is avalable at

Posted by Nicolas Karageuzian 2003-12-15


Un premier jet de presentation du projet dans la section DOC.
J'espre un source utilisable pour dreamweber jsplib (et donc une page exemple) d'ici le 01 12 2003

Posted by Nicolas Karageuzian 2003-11-25