
Using j-interop to implement DCOM server

  • asatdev1

    asatdev1 - 2010-07-29

    From looking at the source, it should be possible to create a DCOM server that Windows DCOM clients connect to.  The windows DCOM client could connect to an already running j-interop based DCOM server via Objref moniker.

    I guess the DCOM transport/endpoint would require a listening mode. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

  • Vikram Roopchand

         Yes that is correct. We already have implemented the IOxidResolver interface (for the partial callbacks). The only thing left to do is to serialize our references into Monikers and make sure we can consume the same to start-up and setup the Objects with the right ports.

    best regards,

    • Andrey Romanenko

      Vikram, could you please tell me if this has been developed further? The comment is from 2010 and I am not sure if at the moment it is possible to use jinterop to build dcom servers. If not, could you please give a hint on what files to look at to build the missing functionality? Thanks a lot.

  • Vikram Roopchand


    We did not do any work on this, there wasn't much user interest.

    best regards,

    • Andrey Romanenko

      Thanks Vikram. Could you please tell me where to look at to build the missing parts and how big the effort is in your opinion? Thanks a lot.

      • Vikram Roopchand

        No problem, Please look at the DCOM specs for this they are published by MS
        and freely downloadable.

        best regards,

        On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Andrey Romanenko androm@users.sf.netwrote:

        Thanks Vikram. Could you please tell me where to look at to build the
        missing parts and how big the effort is in your opinion? Thanks a lot.

        Using j-interop to implement DCOM server

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        • Andrey Romanenko

          Thanks, we will look into this. If it works out ok, will you be interested in incorporating this into JInterop?

  • Andrey Romanenko


    We already have the oxidResolver on port 135 after A new session is initialized. A simple test with a client produces Context rejected. (PROVIDER_REJECTION; ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_NOT_SUPPORTED) because there is nothing associated to it.

    I think the next step is to get a JIComServer, but apparently this class represents a remote server. How can one create a local server that could be registered with oxidResolver?

    Thanks a lot!


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