
#26 Stop directory uploads


If I upload a directory with a lot of files, I can't stop the
whole directory transfers. I will be still running.

BTW. We need a tip (or button) to make a choice
whether we want to overwrite or continuous transfer.


  • Jake Kasprzak

    Jake Kasprzak - 2004-08-18

    Logged In: YES


    If I understand what you are saying correctly, what you
    would like is the ability to cancel uploading an entire
    directory. If so, that may be something that we can look into
    as I'm sure that this can be fixed if you find this happens. It
    may take time however, as we are quite busy at this time.

    And I'm afraid that I'm not sure of what you mean when you
    say that something is needed to make a choice between
    overwriting or continuous transfers. If what you mean is that
    we need to something to check if a file to be be transferred is
    already in the location it is to be transferred to, then that
    may be something that would be good to have. We can look
    into that, but I would very much appreciate it if you could
    clarify exactly what you would like.

    It is good to get this input from you, but I just need to know
    exactly what you are asking for.



  • Cyberdemon

    Cyberdemon - 2005-01-27
    • summary: Directory upload problem --> Directory upload problem (may require timestamping)
  • Cyberdemon

    Cyberdemon - 2005-01-27
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • summary: Directory upload problem (may require timestamping) --> Stop directory uploads
  • Cyberdemon

    Cyberdemon - 2012-04-11

    I looked at this in 1.55 but wasn't able to reproduce this, however I'm looking to investigate it further since I don't think the code is working as it should here.

    For the second point there is another feature request and I'll post in that one if there's any update.


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