
getting error.....please help...urgent

Md Hossain
  • Md Hossain

    Md Hossain - 2010-06-25

    I am trying to compile example from HSVColorSegmentationApp………but getting error like….

    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -livtgui
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make: ***  Error 1

    anticipating your reply as soon as possible.
    thanks in advance

  • Pedram Azad

    Pedram Azad - 2010-06-25


    if you follow the installation guide on

    this should not happen.

    I assume you are working under Linux?

    1. Go to IVT/src and run make
    USE_GTKGUI = 1 must be set in IVT/src/Makefile.base, but this is the default value, so you don't have to change anything after unpacking the archive. After this step you should find the files libivt.a and libivtgui.a in the directory IVT/lib/linux. If any errors occur during compilation, let me know.

    2. Go to IVT/examples/HSVColorSegmentation and run make
    This should compile and link without any problems.

    Note that you'll have to have libgtk2.0-dev installed on your system.


  • Md Hossain

    Md Hossain - 2010-06-25

    Hi Mr Pedram

    Thank you very much for your hasty reply.

    Now, it's working. may be my unzip wasn't perfect.
    Yes i'm a new user of ubuntu. I need your further help.
    If I want to copy a example program in different directory how will i compile?
    How can I use your your lib with another lib?

    Kindest regards

  • Pedram Azad

    Pedram Azad - 2010-06-25

    Hi Hossain,

    please refer to other forums related to general Linux/UNIX questions.

    You can copy directories with the command "cp -r", e.g. "cp -r HarrisDemo NewDirectory".

    You can use any other lib together with the IVT, you simply have to add the respective settings in the Makefile (this is not IVT specific either). -I is for adding include directories and -L for lib directories, and -l for linking against certain libs. You can take a look at IVT/src/Makefile.base to get an idea what I mean. But I recommend to check out tutorials related to gcc and Makefiles.



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