
IUP 3.9 Released

Hi All,

The 3.9 version of the IUP library has been released.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

We would like to highlight some of the improvements:

New: IupProgressDlg pre-defined dialog.
New: support for UTF-8 strings in the Windows and GTK driver using the UTF8MODE global attribute.
New: TYPEL:C attribute and TYPE_CB callback in IupMatrix that allow to display a color, a progress bar, and an image in a cell.
New: TOGGLEVALUE attribute and TOGGLEVALUE_CB callback in IupMatrix to enable a toggle button inside a cell.
New: control IupMatrixList that shows a list using an IupMatrix.
New: IupMatrixEx library with an extension package for IupMatrix.
New: IupSetLanguagePack, IupGetLanguageString and IupSetLanguageString functions to help in application Internationalization. Strings starting in "_@" will be automatically retrieved from the internal string database.
New: PLOT_COUNT, PLOT_NUMCOL, PLOT_CURRENT, PLOT_INSERT and PLOT_REMOVE attributes for IupPPlot to support multiple plots in the same display area.

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2013-11-22

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