
IUP 3.8 Released

Hi All,

The 3.8 version of the IUP library has been released.

You can find the list of changes and files for download at:

We would like to highlight some of the improvements:

  • New: attribute TOGGLEVISIBLEid for IupTree when SHOWTOGGLE=Yes.
  • New: attribute TABVISIBLEid for IupTabs.
  • New: IupLink control that shows a clickable URL.
  • New: IupGridBox container to arrange elements in a regular grid.
  • New: IupScintilla control that shows a source code text editor based on the Scintilla library.
  • New: IupExpander container to interactively control the visibility of a child inside the dialog.
  • Changed: GTK stock images now uses the same size as the Windows and Motif images in IupImageLib

Best Regards,
Antonio Scuri

Posted by Antonio Scuri 2013-05-09

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