
ARMA filter

  • mbourgoi

    mbourgoi - 2005-09-12

    I tried the filter function, using coefficients for a 4th order butterworth filter and I am experiencing some troubles.

    • sometimes the algorithm seems to fail and gives a crazy output (for instance for coefficients B and A corresponding to a 4th order low_pass butterworth filter with F_cut ~ F_sample/10)

    • sometimes the algorithm seems to work, but the tranfer function of the filter (given by filter_spectrum) looks strange and very different than a filter designed with matlab. For instance for a bandpass butterworth, it is far from been flat in the band. This has a big impact on the data wich is strongly distorded.

    I don't know if there is something wrong with the code, or if I am not using the filter function correctly. For example here are the coefficients for a 4th order bandpass butterworth with edge frequencies F_Samp/5 and 2F_samp/5 :
    B =
    0.0466 0 -0.1863 0 0.2795 0 -0.1863 0 0.0466

    A =
    1.0000 1.8266 2.0990 1.8553 1.5560 0.8854 0.3882 0.1158 0.0301

    then I used filter(B,A,data) where data is the signal I want to filter.
    I woul appreciate any help.
    Thanks !

    • mbourgoi

      mbourgoi - 2005-09-16

      Forget my previous message, I was just missing the last coefficient (both for A and B) sent to the filter function. With the entire set of coefficients the function works perfectly ...
      Sorry for the inconvenience !


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