
Several "Undefined Variable" errors

  • Hernan Puente

    Hernan Puente - 2004-02-17

    Hi, just getting lots of them after installation.

    First, at login page:

    Notice: Undefined variable: user in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\login.php on line 317

    Notice: Undefined variable: pass in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\login.php on line 317

    Then, after logging in:

    Notice: Undefined variable: viewPending in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 35

    Notice: Undefined variable: viewAssigned in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 46

    Notice: Undefined variable: orderby in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 141

    Notice: Undefined variable: orderby in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 145

    Notice: Undefined variable: orderby in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 149

    Notice: Undefined variable: orderby in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 153

    Notice: Undefined variable: orderby in C:\Apache2\htdocs\itms_mysql_build_0111\index.php on line 157

    And so on... Can't find out what's generating this problem!!

    Any comments?

    Regards, Hernan Puente

    • Matt Palmerlee

      Matt Palmerlee - 2004-05-25

      I'm sorry I didn't see this post earlier....

      I'm not really sure what the problem is, I don't know how apache 2.X needs to be setup for ITMS.  If you have a page which shows the output from the phpinfo() function that ususally helps with debugging setup issues.
      Do you know if the register_globals directive is set to ON? Can you try uncommenting the lines in the login.php file on lines 55 and 56:
      $user = $PHP_AUTH_USER;
      $pass = $PHP_AUTH_PW;

      and see if that gets rid of the first errors.

      Actually, now that I look back at your errors, they are really just warnings, I think there is a way to turn off php warnings from the php.ini or apache http.conf files.  If you can find how to turn off the warnings that should fix your problems.

      Let me know how it goes,

    • Mitko Dimitrov

      Mitko Dimitrov - 2004-11-19

      I`m trying to test the system on Redhat 7.2 - default setup

      I had several similar issues and I solved it by editing login.php lines:

      extract($_REQUEST); //Added 5/16/2003 by Matt Palmerlee for ITMS Build 110 (Register Globals Fix)
      extract($_SERVER); //Added 5/16/2003 by Matt Palmerlee for ITMS Build 110 (Register Globals Fix)

      These two lines REQUIRED php 4.3.x - please update your requirements in documentation.

      To remove any junk messages I had replace them with :


      • Matt Palmerlee

        Matt Palmerlee - 2004-11-19

        Thanks for posting this problem...

        What version of PHP are you using with RH 7.2?
        It seems like all the newer versions of php use the lines you gave me, when I get a chance I'll go ahead and add the lines you gave me into the official builds of ITMS.

        Thanks again for the info.



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