
Install Help on Shared Web Server

Qwer Asdf
  • Qwer Asdf

    Qwer Asdf - 2011-04-15

    Can someone please provide instructions on how to install the solution on a shared web server? HostGator, 1and1, etc… I am a newbie to Drupal and looking for help/directions. Thank you in advance !!

  • Sasirekha Murthy

    Unfortunately, we do not have enough experience working with any particular shared hosting environment.  However, we expect the code to work similar to core Drupal in this regard.
    If you are willing to try and follow our instructions and possibly refer to the Drupal instructions on shared hosting (, we can work together to resolve any issues that you may encounter.

  • Jose Mendez

    Jose Mendez - 2011-06-10


    Thanks for your input! Please write back if you come across any further suggestions or ideas that may help others using a shared web server.



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