
Creating an ITDashboard user

  • johncv

    johncv - 2011-04-30

    I'm trying to create a new user (DHS_AgencyUser) in the ITDashboard and upload a ex300.xml document for this user. I create the user, like all the other Agency example users and it seems fine, however, in the protfolio drop down it doesn't have the upload selection. Is there something special to set up a user to accept a new project?

  • Jose Mendez

    Jose Mendez - 2011-05-02

    You can assign an agency to a user in the user_agency table of the drupal database.

    Note: If you are creating a new agency (ex. Department of Land), you must add add an entry in the tbl_ref_agency table of the app database and assign an agency code (ex. 400). You may also add bureaus in the tbl_ref_bureaus table. Afterward, assign the new user to the new agency code (in this case, agency=400).

  • johncv

    johncv - 2011-05-03

    Thanks for the info. I was trying to add the user through the itdb_admin account and not the back door. Is that not a function of the admin user interface currently? If it isn't, how will the gov add users, will a dba have to do it?
    Thx for your reply

  • Jose Mendez

    Jose Mendez - 2011-05-03

    You may add users through the itdb_admin account, but you cannot assign the user an agency without adding it to the database directly.

    Access authentication for government users is handled by integrating with an existing security system, included within the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB's) MAX system. This integration was accomplished by extending the Drupal Central Authentication Services module (CAS).

    Authorization is implemented at the application and database levels. When a user logs into the Dashboard for the first time through MAX, the appropriate record is added programmatically to the user_agency table.

  • johncv

    johncv - 2011-05-03

    Thanks, I appreciate your response.


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