
#16 ver. 0.4.9b crashes Zope on HP-UX

Jim Kerr

I just installed IssueTrackerProduct-0.4.9b on an HP-
UX box running 11.11i. The installation went smoothly. I
created a new IssueTrackerProduct object, and all the
management screens look fine, except for View.
Whenever I click the View tab, there's a long wait, and
then a 'page cannot be displayed' screen appears.
Looking at the window where I started Zope, this little
nugget appears:

2003-01-31T16:23:59 ERROR(200) zdaemon Process
2604 terminated by signal SIGBUS(10), wait status: 10

Any ideas what is wrong?

BTW, I do have a Mail Host with id MailHost under the
root folder.

I hope this can be fixed, because the web demo looks
really cool!

Some config info:

$ uname -a
HP-UX joplin B.11.11 U 9000/782 2009097520 unlimited-
user license

$ python
Python 2.1.3 (#3, Jan 23 2003, 17:28:14)
[GCC 3.2.1] on hp-uxB
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more


  • Peter Bengtsson

    Peter Bengtsson - 2003-02-01

    Logged In: YES

    Wow! My experience with HP-UX is pretty slim. In fact I've never even used
    it nor had previous feedback about it.
    "zdaemon Process 2604
    terminated ..."
    That sound's very "low level". The View tab is when it
    starts going bad you say; the View tab is also the first time you actually
    use a Page Template object that has a METAL template.
    Can you
    make sure all the standards object are created such as StandardLook.
    Can you View the StandardLook object?
    Which version of Zope do
    you have? If Zope2.6x, can you inspect the error_log object in root to see if
    it manages to report anything?

    Can you use Page Templates
    outside the issue tracker instance?
    How is Zope installed? The
    "normal" way where all libs and products are all in the same folder, or like it
    sometimes is on Debian where products are separated from

    I'm happy to help, just so you know.


  • Jim Kerr

    Jim Kerr - 2003-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    Some additional info:
    I am running Zope 2.6.0.
    I have not used page templates in my work, but I can view
    the sample templates provided in Members/4am/ZPT, so I
    guess template support is OK. Not sure how thoroughly this
    exercises METAL, however.
    My Products folder is at lib/python/Products.
    The error log is empty after the crash.
    I cannot view the StandardLook object. If I click on the Test
    tab in the manager window, Zope crashes.

    Hope this help...


  • Peter Bengtsson

    Peter Bengtsson - 2003-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    What sample template in Members/4am/ZPT??

    Import the
    uploaded file called harness.zexp and see if you can view the index_html
    If not, it's "not my problem" and you'll need to consult the zope
    mailing list and ask there about TAL and HP-UX


  • Jim Kerr

    Jim Kerr - 2003-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    I don't see a file named harness.zexp...?


  • Peter Bengtsson

    Peter Bengtsson - 2003-02-04

    test harness zope export

  • Peter Bengtsson

    Peter Bengtsson - 2003-02-04

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry. Now there should be a file there.

  • Jim Kerr

    Jim Kerr - 2003-02-04

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks. I imported harness.zexp, and Zope renders it just

    BTW, the templates I downloaded from Members/4am/ZPT
    were imported from zpt_examples.zpt, which is part of the
    PageTemplates-1.5.0.tar.gz file.

    Any ideas you have for further experiments are welcome.
    Are there any prerequisites I could be missing? Expat, or
    something like that?


  • Peter Bengtsson

    Peter Bengtsson - 2003-02-10

    better filter_options, previous was dodgy

  • Jim Kerr

    Jim Kerr - 2003-02-21

    Logged In: YES

    I copied the revised filter_options.zpt to the
    IssueTrackerProduct/zpt directory and restarted Zope, but it
    still crashes when attempting to start IssueTracker.

    Maybe I'll try an older version of tracker...?



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