
New Feature/Functionality?

  • RBot

    RBot - 2014-08-21

    The only feature I would like added (if at all possible) is a Source Indentation view.

    RDi currently has this view (when viewing RPG source, you click on "Source" -> "Show Indentation") which shows an awesome Indented view that can't be used to edit, but is great for reading fixed format or poorly indented code; however, it's a bit frustrating reading the Indented version, then having to find the matching original source separately. Also, when you do make a change to the source file, you have to close, then re-open the Indented view to update it.

    My wishes:
    When scrolling through the Indented view, it would also scroll the source member at the same time. So, if, while reading the indented code, I find an issue or section of code that needs changing, I don't have to scroll through the source view to find the same line of code in order to make the edit. If this isn't possible, maybe the ability to view the indented code, and when a line is selected (clicked), it then navigate the source code to the corresponding line of code. I understand if this isn't possible.

    Once making a change on the original source view, update the Indented view automatically after a line is changed. Not necessarily as you type, but after the line exit. I also understand if this is not possible.

    Otherwise, I love this plug-in! You guys are awesome for providing it for free!


    Last edit: RBot 2014-08-21
  • Thomas Raddatz

    Thomas Raddatz - 2014-09-19

    I completely agree with you, but I am afraid that this is nothing we can do, but should be submitted to the IBM RFE Community at:

  • Jon Paris

    Jon Paris - 2015-11-23

    Here's another one for you. I connect to multiple systems - when I update the iSphere library I often have to use a different name to avoid screwing up other people. iSpehere onl;y allows for one name and (more importantly) only one connection detail. As a minimum it would be nice to have a pull-down for each of the connections available in RSE and it would be even better if the library name could be specific for that connection.

  • Thomas Raddatz

    Thomas Raddatz - 2015-11-26

    Hi Jon, that it is a great idea. I started working on that.

  • Thomas Raddatz

    Thomas Raddatz - 2015-12-01

    Hi Jon, I released iSphere 2.7.1beta5, where you can specify a different iSphere library for each connection. I also added a "Transfer Library" button to the iSphere connection properties page.

    It was great, if you could have a look at it and help me testing. So far it looks good and it seems to work well.


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