
IGSuite - Integrated Groupware Suite / News: Recent posts

IGSuite v5 released!

We are proud to announce that version 5.0 of IGSuite is now available. Thanks to the feedback we received.

Take a look and see what you think of our Integrated Groupware Suite,

Thank you again for your continued support.

The Staff

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2012-10-31

IGSuite 4.0 Released!

We are proud to announce that version 4.0 of IGSuite is now available. Thanks to the feedback we received.

Take a look and see what you think of our Integrated Groupware Suite,

Thank you again for your continued support.

The Staff

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2009-06-07

IGSuite 3.2.5. Released!

We are proud to announce that version 3.2.5. of IGSuite is now available. Thanks to the feedback we received.

Take a look and see what you think of our Integrated Groupware Suite,

Thank you again for your continued support.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2008-09-02

IGSuite Integrated Groupware Suite 3.2.4. Released!

IGSuite is a web-based, groupware suite. It gives you a "Box" of integrated applications, that includes: Wiki, Email, Documents, Calendar, Tasks, Fax, Chats, Contacts, Notes, Sms, Links and more. The power of collaboration comes in when these individual suite components are shared and used within a group.

We are proud to announce that version 3.2.4. of IGSuite is now available. Thanks to the feedback we received.

Please take a moment to view our screenshots or one of our web demos, ... read more

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2007-11-29

IGSuite Integrated Groupware Suite 3.2.3. Released

IGSuite is a web-based, groupware suite. It gives you a "Box" of integrated applications, that includes: Wiki, Email, Documents, Calendar, Tasks, Fax, Chats, Contacts, Notes, Sms, Links and more. The power of collaboration comes in when these individual suite components are shared and used within a group.

We are proud to announce that version 3.2.3. of IGSuite is now available. Thanks to the feedback we received.

Please take a moment to view our screenshots or one of our web demos,

Thank you again for your continued support. ... read more

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2007-04-28

IGSuite Forum!

We are proud to announce a new comunity instrument the IGSuite Forum.

Use it to share your opinion or to obtain free support.

IGSuite Team

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2007-01-23

IGSuite Integrated Groupware Suite 3.2.1 released!

IGSuite is a web-based, groupware suite. It gives you a "Box" of integrated applications, that includes: Wiki, Email, Documents, Calendar, Tasks, Fax, Contacts, Notes, Links and more. The power of collaboration comes in when these individual suite components are shared and used within a group.

We are proud to announce that version 3.2.1 of IGSuite is now available. This release fixes some bugs that has been reported by users. Thanks to the feedback we received.

Please take a moment to view our screenshots or one of our web demos,

Thank you again for your continued support.
IGSuite Staff

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2006-05-27

IGSuite Integrated Groupware Suite 3.2.0 Released!

IGSuite is a web-based, groupware suite. It gives you a "Box" of integrated applications, that includes: Wiki, Email, Documents, Calendar, Tasks, Fax, Contacts, Notes, Links and more. The power of collaboration comes in when these individual suite components are shared and used within a group.

After quite a lot of work, we are proud to announce that version 3.2.0 of the IGSuite is now available. This release fixes some bugs that has been reported by users since the 3.1.8 version was released, Thanks to the feedback we received.... read more

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2006-03-13

IGSuite 3.1.9. Released!

We are happy to announce the release of new IGSuite 3.1.9. More stable, secure, flexible and certainly close to be the better opensource groupware solution.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2005-09-28

IsoGest 3.1.8 Released!

We are happy to announce the new 3.1.8 IG release.
This new release has a new great feature, IGWiki a Wiki system integrated in the IG suite. More informations to

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2005-02-19

IGWiki - IsoGestWiki

A new component of our suite is born! IgWiki is a Wiki system implemented as an IG feature. Others info at

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2005-01-31

IsoGest 3.1.7 Available!

Yes, the first Isogest portable release is available to Linux and Windows users. You can download it in a tar.gz or a zip compressed version. Enjoy!

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2004-11-04

IsoSync for WinCE!

In a few day we will release a fantastic WinCE client able to syncronize IsoGest contacts, todo and calendar in the WinCE Personal Information Manager.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2004-11-04

IsoGest on Windows

Great news! IsoGest in next 3.1.7 release can be execute on Windows Operating Systems without any different from Linux version. Developement is in progress.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2004-09-10

New 3.1.6 released!!

We are happy to announce the new 3.1.6 IsoGest release. Isogest can now speak Italian English and sure Spanish too!! Thanks to work of Juan Tarditi

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2004-08-04

IsoGest 3.1.4 close to the CRM logic

We are working around a new great architecture of Isogest where Contacts are in the centre of business. Enjoy new features and give us a lot of feedbacks

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2004-03-15

Isogest 3.1.3 Avalaible

Afted an hard work of rewriting and restyling we have a new WebMail in Isogest based on the good work of NeoMail, but more ligth and fast. Enjoy!

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2004-02-05

IsoGest 3.1.2 A Release per Month!

Thank's to numerous feed-backs I received, each month, next on 1st november, I'll submit a new release of Isogest. At moment I need help to study some CRM features to include in the project for a neighbour release.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2003-10-29

Isogest 3.1.1. avalaible!!!

Best performance by a rewritten code row by row!! New modules added as a wiki page clone and a web file manager. All dynamic page now use the features of CSS. Enjoy and send me a lot of feed-back!

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2003-10-07

Isogest 3.1 is avalaible - Mysql implemented!

Now isogest can work also with Mysql (and postgres if you want). You can try it by the Demo on line on the Home page!!

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2002-12-30

Updated the new English release!

With this new release you can choose your language or create your own in any language you want just editing one dictionary file.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2002-04-21


I had time to write this script for a easily installation.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2002-02-09

First public Release!!!

Finalmente sono riuscito a ritagliare un po di tempo per mettere on line questa prima release ufficiale. Spero presto di implementare ancora di piu' isogest e di aver il tempo per aggiungere maggior documentazione.

Posted by Luca Dante Ortolani 2002-02-02